Will you be here October 19th? Join the 5th Annual Mid-City Porch Crawl! This event begins around the corner at Finn McCool’s Irish Pub and includes a stop at 1896 O’Malley House, and a visit to our new courtyard bar. Wear your costume and enjoy Rum Cocktails at each participating Porch! The Halloween-esque event will take you on a tour of gorgeous Mid-City Porches where you can enjoy unique beverages, mouth-watering local food, and a good time with fellow crawlers. Each porch provides unique flavors and drinks – and you won’t want to miss a single one!
Finn McCool’s will host the kick-off and after parties, and guests are invited to stroll with tour guides to each porch. After party awards include “Best Costume,” “Best Cocktail,” and “Best Decorated Porch,” so stick around to see if we win!
Tickets for the Mid-City Porch Crawl are $45 for non-Mid City Neighborhood Organization (MCNO) members – and it is worth every dime. This is a fundraiser to help improve our neighborhood, and MCNO has donated funds to such worthy causes as Easton High School Band and The Mid-City Branch of the New Orleans Library. Not only will you get to enjoy wonderful refreshments and a good time – but your contribution will help make the Mid-City community better.
Looking forward to porch crawling with you!