Keep Cool in the Hot City – Tips for Visting New Orleans in the Summer

Bright yellow and orange stylized sun background with text: Keep Cool in the Hot City - Visiting New Orleans in the Summer

New Orleans is known for many things, and one of those is that in the summer, it’s hot! That doesn’t stop people from visting our lovely city all year round, even in July and August. Here is a list of tips to keep you cool during your summer visit to the Crescent City.

Linen – there is a reason we have an August event named after this very breathable fabric:  opens in a new windowHancock White Linen Night! Linen covers your skin without holding in the heat. A breeze can feel much cooler coming in through linen.
Sandals – People like to walk through the French Quarter and attend outdoors festivals, even in summer. If you plan to attend opens in a new windowSatchmo Summer Fest, wear sandals that have nice soles to keep your feet cool and not sore!
A Hat or Parasol – Keeping the sun out of your face and off the top of your head is key to keep from sunstroke.
What Not to Wear – Black clothing, jeans, polyester.

Water – Drink a lot of water – especially if you’re drinking other types of beverages. Between the sun, exercise and sweat, you need that water. Don’t underestimate- you can’t really drink too much water.
Sno-Balls – When in NOLA, especially in the summer, you might as well get some flavor with your water – try one of these divine frosty treats – finely shaved ice and cane-sugar syrup. Yummmm. Two to try are opens in a new windowPlum Street Snoballs and opens in a new windowHansen’s Sno-Bliz.

Speaking of A/C – a good way to enjoy the indoors in New Orleans is to head to one of our awesome museums. The opens in a new windowNational WWII Museum is an incredible experience, with constantly evolving exhibits, plays and shows, author presentations, and special interactive experiences. The opens in a new windowNew Orleans Mardi Gras Museum has tours, so you can see the behind-the-scenes of Mardi Gras preparations. They even have a bus to pick you up for the tours!

There is a reason the siesta originated in a hot country. Sleeping away the hottest part of the afternoon after spending the morning out sightseeing is a great way to refresh for evening. 1896 O’Malley House has A/C and comfy beds!

Other cool things to do: get a Pimm’s Cup – a delicious New Orleans cocktail! Go fancy at opens in a new windowBroussard’s or more casual at opens in a new windowThe Rusty Nail. Just make sure to add that water in between drinks! A river cruise on opens in a new windowThe Steamboat Natchez – Jazz, dinner, brunch – time on the water is never wasted. Go bowling! opens in a new windowRock-N-Bowl has live music, drinks and food!

So you see – lots to do and still keep it cool!

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