We always knew we lived in one of the most visitable places on earth and now we have a backup from one of the most esteemed travel publications in existence! National Geographic has named New Orleans as one of their “ opens in a new windowBest Trips 2014opens IMAGE file “. We are the ONLY city in the USA to be chosen! This is quite an honor for the Crescent City and a feather in the cap for everyone who stayed and and the new-comers who came to rebuild after the hurricane and helped the city retain it’s particular style.
The author of the piece, Andrew Nelson, describes our home city as “Immutable. Imperishable. As predictable as seersucker after Easter. Yet change has arrived like Blanche DuBois, suitcase in hand and a tad dishabille.”, and “New Orleans! Storied past. Bright future. Hot mess. Here’s mud in your eye.” The wonderful writer also told a reporter. “This is something that New Orleans should be very proud of. They don’t actually give this out a lot.”, and continued to say, “We believe that New Orleans’ moment is now and that is why we chose it now. 2014 is going to be a wonderful year for New Orleans.”
As you can imagine, we are just about busting our buttons over this excellent endorsement of the Big Easy! When you stay with us, you can take advantage of the Canal Streetcar line and visit all the spots mentioned in the article very easily. We love to give you advice about places to visit on your stay and hints about how to get around the city!